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Partheev Chases His Soccer Dream– Sport for Change

The sports program helps a young boy nurture his passion

Partheev is a 13-year-old boy and a beneficiary of the Sport for Change project in Kerala, India. He is currently in the second year of middle school and, together with his brother, has recently become interested in sports.

Partheev started playing soccer two years ago, and according to him, this sport has helped him grow in many ways. In addition to improving his playing skills, Partheev has managed to form strong friendships with all the members of his team, who look up to him with admiration and respect.

Participating in Sport for Change’s activities over the past two years has given him the opportunity to train consistently to achieve his dream: to become a world-famous soccer player and play for his favorite team, the Kerala Blasters. Despite his young age, he shows great determination during training sessions and always strives to give his best, being the first to arrive at practice and the last to leave.

This constant dedication does not go unnoticed by his coaches, who see great potential in him and consider him an example for his teammates. Partheev knows that the path to success is long and challenging, but his passion for football and the support of his team drive him to never give up.

This is the true power and beauty of sports: the ability to give kids like Partheev the chance to dream and have fun.

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